Socioeconomic cost of diseases
- Total incidence: 10,700,142
- Total cost of treatment: $76.603 billion
- Total cost to society: $168.103 billion
- Overall cost: $244.703 billion
Number of new cases per year
Number (%) of Canadians living with disease
Cost of treatment (million $)
Cost to society
(million $)
Alzheimer's disease
280,000 (0.74%)3
Parkinson's disease
100,000 (0.31%)3
300,000 (1%)5
Heart disease
1,600,000 (5%)7
2,744,000 (8%)10
1,700,000 (5.3%)11
9,600a, 13
9,600 (8%)b, 13
$230k, 42
563,200a, 14
563,200 (1.76%)a, 14
$840k, 43
1,700,000 (5.3%)a, 14
$3,270m,n, 48
2,625l, 16,47
217,600 (0.68%)a, 16
$1,365n,o, 50
$8,275n,o, 50
Urinary tract infections
1,026,984a, 17
1,026,984 (3.21%)a, 17
$84n, 51
$140n, 51
112,000a, 18
544,000 (1.7%)a, 14
$19,800n,m,p, 52
$13,494n,m,p, 52
89,600c, 19
772,200 (2.41%)46
Multiple Sclerosis
1,026a, 20
44,800 (0.14%)a, 14
$277n, 53
$789n, 53
320,000a, 21
2,352,000 (7.35%)a, 14
Chronic kidney disease
300,800a, 14
270,400 (2.72%)a, 14
10,240a, 22
259,200 (0.81%)a, 14
$1,637n, 57
$1,798n, 57
Rheumatoid arthritis
9,600a, 23
294,400 (0.92%)a, 14
$1,834n,r, 56
$822n,r, 56
Lung cancer
39,884 (0.12%)38
$163n,s, 2
$769n,s, 2
Prostate cancer
150,135 (0.47%)38
$1033n,s, 2
$4860n,s, 2
Pancreatic cancer
3,452 (0.11%)38
$15n,s, 2
$72n,s, 2
Breast cancer
153,777 (0.48%)38
$1161n,s, 2
$5460n,s, 2
Esophageal cancer
2,419 (0.01%)38
$10n,s, 2
$47n,s, 2
Colorectal cancer
20,599h, 38
99,819 (0.31%)38
$426n,s, 2
$2005n,s, 2
Liver cancer
2,490 (0.01%)38
$10n,s, 2
$50n,s, 2
7,703i, 38
39,654 (0.12%)i, 38
$169n,s, 2
$796n,s, 2
Brain cancer
6,214 (0.02%)38
$26n,s, 2
$124n,s, 2
Multiple myeloma
6,645 (0.02%)38
28n,s, 2
134n,s, 2
Bladder cancer
37,216 (0.12%)38
159n,s, 2
747n,s, 2
Bone cancer
4085 (0.01%)a, 36
17n,s, 2
82n,s, 2
Cervical cancer
9,806 (0.03%)38
42n,s, 2
197n,s, 2
19666 (0.06%)38
$84n,s, 2
$395n,s, 2
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
640a, 23
3,080 (0.1%)a, 23
$17n, 61
$218n, 61
22,400a, 14
272,000 (0.85%)a, 14
$129n, 61
$904n, 61
176,000a,d, 14
3,292,800 (10.29%)a, 14
$1,525t,v, 62
$99t,v, 62
88,800a,e, 14
1,776,000 (5.55%)a, 14
$4,671n,t, 63
$10,070n,t, 63
5,881,600 (18.38%)a, 14
$5,615k,n,t,u, 64
$1,977k,n,t,u, 64
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
191,304a, 27
387,200 (1.21%)a, 14
$1,198k,n,u, 65
$5,430k,n,u, 65
Periodontal disease
662,400a, 14
2,726,400 (8.52%)a, 28
$1,767k,n,t,u, 67
19,936a, 29
89,600 (0.28%)a, 14
$372n, 66
Heart Failure
48,000a, 14
563,200 (1.28%)a, 14
Celiac disease
9,600a, 30
128,000 (0.4%)a, 14
$3w, 70
$90x, 70
Crohn's disease
2,240a, 31
57,600 (0.18%)a, 14
$556n, 71
$633n, 71
Ulcerative Colitis
2,240a, 32
32,000 (0.10%)a, 14
$246n, 71
$499n, 71
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
4,480a, 31,32
89,600 (0.28%)a, 14
$802n,y, 71
$1,132n,y, 71
Neural tube defects
18,000 (0.06%)j, 41
$89n,u,z, 72
$114n,u,z, 72
Hepatitis A
484t, 73
484 (0.001%)t, 73
$1n,t, 73
$1n,t, 73
Septicemia (severe)
104,100a,t, 74
104,100(0.3%)a,t, 74
$4,434n, 74,75
$10,348n, 74,75
1,792a, 33
163,200 (0.51%)a, 14
$2,198k,n, 76
$1,505k,n, 76
Addison's Disease
16a,e 14
320 (0.001%)a, 14
$1k,n, 76
Cancer Cachexia
88,900f, 34
355,000 (1.13%)f, 34
Chronic hepatitis
544,000a,g, 14
972,800 (3.04%)a, 14
$141k,n,t,aa, 77
$229k,n,t,aa, 77
1,472,000a, 14
1,472,000 (4.45%)a, 14
$220k,n,t, 78
$3k,n,t, 78
Tuberculosis (new and relapsed)
1,856 (0.006%)40
$96n, 79
$8n, 80
Peptic ulcer
435,200a, 14
588,800 (1.84%)a, 14
$445k,n,t,u, 81
$271k,n,t,u, 81
Chronic fatigue syndrome
118,400t, 58
588,800 (1.84%)t, 59
$381u, 60
$2,025u, 60
315,729t, 68
1,147,476 (3.33%)t, 68
$5,667n, 69
$1,070n, 69
Bipolar disorder
3,570t, 82
564,000 (1.6%)t, 83
$1,541n, 84
$6,670n, 84
Gall bladder disease
2,450,000 (1.6%)a,t, 86
$432n,t,u, 87
$23n,t,u, 87
86,875t, 14
86,875 (0.25%)t, 14
$187n,t,u, 88
$12n,t,u, 88
TBA - to be added, N/A - not available
a - the prevalance and incidence for Canada were recalcualted from US or worldwide statistics.
b - the prevalance of the pre-eclampsia was calculated for the total number of pregnancies instead of general population.
c - the prevalance and incidence for Canada were recalcualted from Alberta province statistics.
d - the number of osteoporosis-related fractures is reported as osteoporosis incidence
e - incidence was estimated by dividing prevalance of this disease by 20 (years)
f - incidence and prevalance of cancer cachexia was estimated as 50% of overall cancer incidence and prevalance, respectively
g - general hepatitis incidence is shown
h - combined indcidence of large intestine cancer and rectum cancer in the reference 38 is used as the incidence of colorectal cancer
i - combined statistics for Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma
j - prevalance was estimated by multiplying incidence of this disease by 70 (years)
k - disease cost for Canada was recalcualted from US or worldwide statistics
l - authism incidence was estimated by multiplying the number of birth in Canada
25 by the authism frequency in Canada
m - the global disease cost for Canada in 2012 was estimated by dividing the global disease cost for US by 10
n - the disease cost was corrected for inflation using
CPI Inflation Calculator
o - the disease cost for Canada was estimated from the disease cost for Australia by adjusting it according to the difference in Canada and Australia population
p - the cost of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (stroke, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure) is shown
r - the disease cost for Canada was determined multiplying the single patient cost by the disease prevalance
s - the cost of this type of cancer was calculated from its prevalance and the cost and prevalance of all cancer cases
t - the statistic was adjusted to be consistent with Canada population in 2012
u - 1:1 ratio between USD and CAD was assumed
v - Calculation of direct cost of osteoporosis assumed that direct medical cost of osteoporosis-related fractures in women is two times that of men
w - The annual cost of diagnostic is shown as the direct cost
x - The difference between the cost of gluten-free food and regular food is shown as the indirect cost
y - The cost of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease was calcuated by cobining the cost of Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis
z - The annual cost was calculated with the following formula Cost=Prevalence*(Lifetime_Per_Patient_Cost/(Prevalence/Incidence))
aa - Cost of chronic hepatitis C is shown.
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